Regiomontanus: Full Bibliography

Recommended Reading

J. Bennett & D. Bertoloni Meli, Sphaera Mundi: Astronomy Books in the Whipple Museum 1478-1600, Cambridge 1994, pp. 14-15, 32-44, 65

C. D. Hellmann & N. Swerdlow, "Peurbach", Dictionary of Scientific Biography, New York 1970-1990, vol. XV, pp. 473-479

B. Hughes, Regiomontanus on Triangles, Madison 1967

F. Johnson, "Astronomical text-books in the sixteenth century", in A. Underwood (ed.), Science, Medicine and History: Essays on the Evolution of Scientific Thought and Medical Practice written in honour of Charles Singer, Oxford 1953, vol. I, pp. 285-302

J. North, The Fontana History of Astronomy and Cosmology, London 1994, pp. 258-259

O. Pedersen, "The Decline and Fall of the Theorica Planetarum: Renaissance Astronomy and the Art of Printing", Studia Copernicana 16 (1978), pp. 157-185

K. Reich, "Problems of Calendar Reform from Regiomontanus to the Present", in E. Brown, Regiomontanus: His Life and Work, Amsterdam 1990, pp. 345-362

E. Rosen, "Regiomontanus", Dictionary of Scientific Biography, New York 1970-1990, vol. XI, pp. 348-352

G. L'E. Turner & D. King, "The astrolabe presented by Regiomontanus to Cardinal Bessarion in 1462", Nuncius 9 (1994), pp. 165-206

E. Zinner, Leben und Wirken des Joh. Müller von Königsberg, Osnabrück 1968. Translated by E. Brown as Regiomontanus: His Life and Work, Amsterdam 1990

Other Texts

E. Glowatzki & H. Göttsche, Die Tafeln des Regiomontanus: Ein Jahrhundertwerk, Munich 1990

F. Schmeidler, "Supplements to Zinner's Book, Leben und Wirken des Johannes Müller von Königsberg, Gennant Regiomontanus", in E. Brown, Regiomontanus: His Life and Work, Amsterdam 1990, pp. 313-324, especially pp. 319-320

J. Shipman, "Johannes Petreius, Nuremberg Publisher of Scientific Works 1524-1580, with a Short-Title List of His Imprints" in H. Lehmann-Haupt (ed.), Homage to a Bookman: Essays in Manuscripts, Books and Printing written for Hans P. Kraus on his 60th Birthday, Berlin 1967, pp. 147-162

N. Swerdlow, "Regiomontanus on the Critical Problems of Astronomy", in W. Shea & T. Levere (eds.), Nature, Experiment and the Sciences, Dordrecht 1990

N. Swerdlow, "Regiomontanus's Concentric-sphere Models for the Sun and Moon", Journal for the History of Astronomy 30 (1999), pp. 1-23